Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Let's talk mental health.

I've been having a rough time. This summer's vertigo really drained me and I've had a terrible time getting my "mojo" back with physical fitness. However, now that the school year is well under way & both my kids are in school at least part time... things are looking up. I'm back on track & improving every week. What I realized I'm missing now are...words.

Yup, words. I tried to get all the best ones, but they were already taken by an orange haired "politician". Ha! Really though, I miss writing. I had been so excited about launching this blog and starting my self-study to be a personal trainer and then BAM. Well, I've been working with a therapist to improve my mental health (can't just focus on the bod!) and well, here I am. Writing. It's not always going to be pretty, but it's mine. :)

So, let's talk about mental health. Do you sometimes focus so much on your physical health that you let yourself get stressed out by it? Do you give yourself some "me time" every day (yoga, meditation, poop in peace (Moms, amiright?!), etc.)? Let's share! Here's what I have going on right now.

1. I'm working through the journal workbook "Be Happy (or at least be less sad)".
2. I'm going to therapy once a week with a therapist who doesn't like me get away with faking it or taking the easy route.
3. Working on meditation and/or yoga - even just 5 minutes helps me a lot.
4. Taking life less seriously - not everything needs to get done NOW. Figure out what does, let the other things fade into the background. I feel like this has been one of the most beneficial and difficult things for me to accomplish. I get that feeling deep down inside that I'm not good enough if everything isn't done, but that isn't true. I am. You are. The house doesn't have to be cleaned today, unless that really will bring you happiness.
5. Exercise more consistently. To quote Elle Woods, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't."

What works for you?


  1. Totally agree that even 5 min of yoga or meditation or whatever can make a works of difference - which I SOMETIMES do...And yes, poopinpeace is a valid "me time activity." 😂🤗

    Good luck on those goals!

  2. Totally agree that even 5 min of yoga or meditation or whatever can make a works of difference - which I SOMETIMES do...And yes, poopinpeace is a valid "me time activity." 😂🤗

    Good luck on those goals!
