Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Let's talk mental health.

I've been having a rough time. This summer's vertigo really drained me and I've had a terrible time getting my "mojo" back with physical fitness. However, now that the school year is well under way & both my kids are in school at least part time... things are looking up. I'm back on track & improving every week. What I realized I'm missing now are...words.

Yup, words. I tried to get all the best ones, but they were already taken by an orange haired "politician". Ha! Really though, I miss writing. I had been so excited about launching this blog and starting my self-study to be a personal trainer and then BAM. Well, I've been working with a therapist to improve my mental health (can't just focus on the bod!) and well, here I am. Writing. It's not always going to be pretty, but it's mine. :)

So, let's talk about mental health. Do you sometimes focus so much on your physical health that you let yourself get stressed out by it? Do you give yourself some "me time" every day (yoga, meditation, poop in peace (Moms, amiright?!), etc.)? Let's share! Here's what I have going on right now.

1. I'm working through the journal workbook "Be Happy (or at least be less sad)".
2. I'm going to therapy once a week with a therapist who doesn't like me get away with faking it or taking the easy route.
3. Working on meditation and/or yoga - even just 5 minutes helps me a lot.
4. Taking life less seriously - not everything needs to get done NOW. Figure out what does, let the other things fade into the background. I feel like this has been one of the most beneficial and difficult things for me to accomplish. I get that feeling deep down inside that I'm not good enough if everything isn't done, but that isn't true. I am. You are. The house doesn't have to be cleaned today, unless that really will bring you happiness.
5. Exercise more consistently. To quote Elle Woods, "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't."

What works for you?

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Where has the time gone?

Hey everyone!

So, finally all done with this mystery dizzy disease. After a MRI and lots of poking & prodding, the final verdict? Irritated ear nerve after a weird sinus infection. Super fun times. I'm finally getting back to working out and building my strength back up. However, I fell a few weeks ago on one of my first long run/walks (a lot of walking since I was distracted by Pokemon) and my knee has been bent out of shape, so the progress is slow going. I've pulled out of school for personal training this fall and probably will be doing self-study so that I can work at my own pace & keep my stress levels down. I also want to take this year (my first with both boys in school) to dedicate myself to pursuing my own personal fitness (and giving my voice over career the time it deserves!).

OH and speaking of Pokemon, I'd love to hear how this delightful game has impacted your personal fitness. For me, it's getting me out there on my "off" days walking around and it's actually helping me be a little more more social. I'm a bit shy when it comes to chatting up random people, but with Pokemon in common, it's a lot easier. ;)

Once school starts for the kiddos, I'll be back here updating regularly. <3 Thanks for sticking around.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Pokemon Go! is the best.

Okay, so who else is playing Pokemon Go?! I am loving this game! It is getting me to walk more on my non-run days. I also decided to use incense while I'm stretching to make sure I'm doing a full 30 minutes of stretch (wouldn't want to waste it! ;)).

What is Pokemon Go doing for you? What team are you? I'm VALOR!!! :D

Thursday, June 30, 2016

It's been a month!

Sorry about the lack of updates. I haven't quit! I've just had a terrible case of vertigo/dizziness and then a vacation. Still suffering from the dizziness, but my doctor thinks she may have figured out the cause - a very weird sinus infection! Fingers crossed that antibiotics do the trick and I don't have to go to the ENT again or a see a neurologist.

In the mean time, you can keep up with me on Instagram.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Chafing Down Under - Tips on Prevention

We don’t talk about our intimate parts much. I get it, it’s private, you don’t want to ask your running partner if their va-jay-jay or family jewels get itchy after running. So, thank you Internet for making us all more comfortable to talk about ‘em.

Sometimes, our body chafes with sweat and motion. It’s going to happen sometime, but you can do some things to prevent it from making you uncomfortable for weeks after.

This is a recommendation you’re going to see as a standard response to chafing issues. Body Glide is pretty fantastic. I use it along my bra line and inner arms (where sometimes my shirt/bra can rub on longer, warmer runs). You can find this in most running stores or online. It is dispensed in a deodorant type container.

This stuff is pretty fan-freaking-tastic. It helps prevent underwear line and lady bits chafing while also providing relief for the symptoms after the fact. Squeeze it out, slap it on, and you’re done. (Don’t be swayed by the fact that this primarily a female oriented product. This shit works great, gents.)

So, this stuff, paired with the Monistat Gel will keep you fresh as a daisy and chafe free throughout a very warm half marathon.

4. Bamboo is your friend. Beware of cotton.
Bamboo undies are pretty fabulous and so are bamboo capris or leggings. Why? Bamboo is naturally anti-microbial, wicks away moisture, and allows your skin to breathe. I prefer to go this route over the “sport undies” on the market, but that’s just me. I find them more comfortable and my body responds better.

Regarding cotton, it can be great for a short run, but anything longer than 3 miles and you’re probably going to chafe. While cotton does allow your skin to breathe, it also holds on to the moisture and will eventually cause issues with friction.

5. And last, but not least - go commando!
The best way to avoid issues? Don’t wear anything at all. Make sure your pants/shorts/skirt have a well fitting crotch and you’re golden. If you’re a member of a local or Facebook running group, you’ll find out you aren’t alone out there with a naked derriere. .. ;)

Thanks for reading! Share any tips you have in the comments.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Smoothie of the Week: Cheaper than a Plane Ticket

How's everyone doing this week? It's been busy busy busy for me! I officially am registered for classes for my Personal Trainer Certification. I am so excited about this one year program because I learn so much better from lectures and doing than from reading a book. This program will be preparing me for multiple certification exams and hands on experience. I absolutely cannot wait! I wish the textbook lists were available already because I'm ready to dive in. My first semester is Anatomical Kinesiology (omg, so excited! I'm always geeking out with my trainers and therapists (massage and PT) about what is doing what, etc), Sports Conditioning and Personal Trainer First Aid & Athletic Training (injury prevention, another passion of mine!).

Anyways, enough geeking out about my nerdy fitness classes. :D On to the smoothie of the week recipe...

Cheaper Than a Plane Ticket Smoothie
This smoothie should temporarily transport you to the beach in Hawaii.

1 cup spinach
1/4 cup pineapple
1/4 cup banana (I love to have bags of sliced frozen bananas in the fridge to thicken smoothies!)
1/4 cup mango
1/2 cup homemade (or not) almond milk
1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Blend it up! Make sure at least one ingredient is frozen to have a chilled smoothie. I prefer to use frozen bananas because it really thickens up the smoothie. 

I am testing new protein powders to find one that is less "punch you in the face with sweetness". This one is good so far. It's not paleo or sweetener free, but it is 100% organic, nutrient dense, and stevia free which makes it a much more mild sweet. I also love that it is dairy free because it gives me more flexibility in use. I don't always want a milk flavor in my smoothies. The complaints I'm finding online with this one is the grainy texture, which is a common issue in dairy free protein powders. I didn't find it to be an issue in this thicker smoothie (I used all frozen fruit!), but I could see it being an issue in thinner smoothies or just in a shaker bottle.

Do you have a favorite not crazy sweet protein powder? Share it in the comments! I'd love to give it a shot.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Paleo Laddu

A few years ago, I used to do a paleo (ish) food blog with a good friend of mine. Life happens, so it kinda fell away. I am going to be moving a few of those recipes over here to share with y'all. I hope you enjoy!

  • 1 1/2 cup almond flour (I prefer Honeyville) 
  • 1/2 cup almond butter 
  • 1/8 cup honey (omit if you'd prefer something less sweet) 
  • 1/4 tsp salt 
  • 1 tsp lemon zest 
  • Splash of lemon juice 
  • 4-6 pitted dates (depending on size, about 1/4 cup) 
  • 1/2 to 1 tsp ground cardamom (depending on preference) 
To roll in - 
  • Pistacho flour 
  • Shredded coconut 
  1. Put ingredients in food processor and run it until it starts to become tacky & you can roll it into balls. 
  2. Roll it into balls, about an inch big. 
  3. Roll the balls, pressing gently, in a little pistachio flour & shredded coconut. 
  4. Chill if necessary or eat immediately.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

New Nutrition Facts Labels

I am crazy excited this morning! Why, you say? Well, because Michelle Obama is the bees knees and after years of fighting for new FDA food labeling, a victory has finally occurred! The Nutrition Facts labels you see everyday on your pre-packaged foods are changing. Check it out.

The new fonts and added bolding is awesome, but the truly awesome part? LOOK AT THE ADDED SUGARS. This shows how much sugar the manufacturer added to the product. So many people in our country don't understand how much sugar sneaks in to their every day food choices. I remember when I first cut cane sugar from my diet and would find so many hidden sugars! Just yesterday I was looking at maybe trying a new protein bar for after races and so many had the first ingredient of SUGAR - tapioca syrup, brown rice syrup, cane sugar, honey, you name it. I don't mind a natural sugar every now and then (goodness knows I'm addicted to honey!), but when something already had dates or other dried fruit in it? Yuck. 

Anyways, I'm rambling, but isn't this awesome? Also another major change - look at the nutrient breakdown. Instead of just telling you the percentage, they now have to tell you the actual amounts in the item.

LOVE THIS! Way to go, Michelle Obama and all the others who have been fighting against major food processors like the Sugar Association for years. Your effort is very much appreciated.

Source: The Washington Post 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Gaia Herbs Tumeric Boost

I have to share this RIGHT AWAY because omg omg omg. This stuff is AMAZING. I bought it on a whim from Thrive Market and I am so glad I did.

It is unsweetened. It contains Lemon Balm, Gotu Kola, and of course, turmeric. Turmeric is known for helping out in your body by acting as an anti-inflammatory. I've been taking tablets and eating curry (because, um, yum!), but this is way better. I've had it on its own with milk and tonight in a pear/spinach smoothie and WOW. It is knock your socks off good. When you open up the canister, the kola smell hits you, but the secret ingredient? The prebiotic Vanilla Chai blend! It is the perfect level of spice and is a nice replacement for cinnamon, nutmeg and maca from my smoothie this week. It'll also help keep the flora in your digestive system happy campers!

If you'd rather not shop at Thrive (which you should totally check out too!), you can grab it on Amazon.

I'll be experimenting with an apple recipe soon and let you know how it goes.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Smoothie of the Week: Mister Meg

Ee! So excited to be sharing my first "Smoothie of the Week" recipe. 

This is my favorite way to start the day as I’m generally not SUPER hungry first thing in the morning (along with a cup of tea or coffee!). I then have a “2nd breakfast” (Yes, I am part hobbit.) around 9:30/10 that is high in protein & fat to fuel me through lunch.

How do you start your day? Do you do bulletproof coffee like my husband? Do you love your green smoothie? I’m a huge fan of the recipes in Simple Green Smoothies (grab your own copy!) and because of those two wonderful women, I definitely have a green smoothie habit.  

And now on to the recipe... This recipe is named Mister Meg in honor of my awesome pilates instructor Tom, who loves nutmeg and got harassed about it. No one should get harassed about nutmeg. Nutmeg rocks.

Mister Meg (single serve Ninja blender size cup)

1-2 cups of spinach - do what you like. I like about 1.5 cups.
¾ of a pear (I always give the extra to the kids. ;))
¼ tsp of nutmeg
1 tsp of cinnamon
¾ tsp maca root powder
1 TB chia seeds
½ TB golden flax meal
½ TB of coconut oil
1 scoop collagen (this is the kind I use)
Water or coconut water to desired density - I do 1/2 cup, but I like a slightly thicker smoothie. If it doesn’t blend well, add more.

Now, you know your blender better than I do. For me, I just throw this in my single serve Ninja and let it rip. Some blenders work better by doing the water & greens first then the additional ingredients.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


I am so excited to be launching this blog, you guys. I miss blogging and I have become so passionate about fitness & nutrition & want to share the things I've learned on my journey to being the best me I can be.

What can you expect to find here? Well, a geek being a geek rambling about geeky things and fitness. Yup. Pretty much sums it up. I'll be sharing some of your standard fitness fare (exercises, reviews of tools/equipment, recipes that I've made up or just have to share, etc), but all with a geeky twist. I am who I am and not only am I a geek for sci fi, fantasy, etc, but I try to incorporate this love into my fitness apparel and the races I do.

So, thanks for joining me on my journey. Happy to have you along for the ride! And a major thanks to Talia for the fantastic art in my blog header. :D YOU ROCK.